भूगोल से संबंधित-117.
1. Who gave the theory of continental displacement? = Alfred Wegener. 2. Which place in India is known as ‘White water’? = Siachen. 3. What is the important feature of the climate of India? = Change in the direction of the winds. 4. Which state does the South-West monsoon enter first? = Kerala. 5. What is the reason for the winter rain in the north-western part of India? = Due to western disturbance. 6. Which state is the effect of alternating monsoon? = Tamil Nadu. 7. The principle of radioactivity is related to? = Origin of mountains. 8. Who gave the principle of radioactivity? = Jolly. 9. Who told the theory of land-consolidation of mountain builders? = Cober. 10. What are the three main types of topography on the basis of construction? = Mountains, plateaus and plains. 11. What are the three main classes of rocks from the point of view of texture? = Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic. 12. What is the name of magma when it takes a hard solid form? = Igneous rock. 13. Which continent does not have a single volcano? = Continent of Australia. 14. Himalaya Mountains comes under? = New Fold Mountain. 15. Which is the oldest mountain in India? = Aravalli Mountains. 16. Which country do the hills of Purvanchal separate India? = Myanmar. 17. Where is the Southern Altus mountain range located? = New Zealand. 18. Which is the longest mountain range in the world? = Andes. 19. Which is the highest peak of the Andes ranges? = Aconcagua. 20. Which country is the world’s highest mountain peak Mount Everest? = Nepal. 21. Where is the plateau of Tibet located? = Between the Himalaya Mountains and the Qunlun Mountains. 22. Which country is the Potwar plateau located? = Pakistan. 23. Which country is the Lois Plateau located? = China. 24. Which plateau is called the ‘roof of the world’? = Pamir Plateau. 25. Where is Vindhya plateau situated? = India. 26. What is the plateau plateau of Ranchi? = Raised Pennyplane. 27. Where is the Drakensberg mountain located? = Southern Africa. 28. Where is the Mysore Plateau located? = America. 29. Where is the Telegraphic Plateau located? = North Atlantic Ocean. 30. Zojila Pass is located in which state? = Jammu and Kashmir. 31. How much population of the world lives on the plateaus? = 09 percent. 32. Which river of India flows between Vindhya and Satpura mountain ranges? = Narmada River. 33. Which river forms the boundary between India and Nepal? = Black River. 34. What is the coast from Krishna delta to Godavari delta called? = Golconda Beach. 35. Name the tropical storm that runs in Australia? = Willy-Willy. ========== ========= ===========