भौतिकी विज्ञान से संबंधित-101.
1. A substance made up of the same type of atoms? = Element.
2. The substance formed by the combination of two or more elements in a definite proportion with regard to quantity? = Compound. 3. A person trapped in a swamp is advised to lie down because? = The pressure decreases as the area increases. 4. When ice cubes are pressed together, the pieces stick together because? = The melting point of ice decreases with higher pressure. 5. Acceleration produced by an unbalanced force in a body? = Directly proportional to the force. 6. A body will remain at rest as long as there is no external force acting on it. Who said this? = Newton. 7. What is Newton’s first law of motion called? = Law of Inertia. 8. Swimming in water is related to which Newton’s law of motion? = Third Rule. 9. The tendency of a liquid drop to compress and occupy the minimum area is due to? = Surface Tension. 10. What is a vector quantity? = Momentum. 11. What is the speed of light in a vacuum? = 3 X 108 m/s. 12. What is the average distance of an astronomical unit? = Distance between Earth and Sun. 13. What is the unit of ampere? = Electric Current. 14. What is the function of a fuse in an electric circuit? = Protects the Electrical Circuit. 15. Ultrasonic waves by humans? = Cannot be Heard. 16. What is the frequency of ultrasonic waves? = More Than 20,000 Hz. 17. What is the unit of frequency? = Hertz. 18. Lumen is the unit of = Flame Flux. 19. Two vectors whose value is different? = Their result cannot be zero. 20. Transformer is used for? = High-Low the alternating voltage. 21. How many watts are there in one horsepower? =746 watts. 22. Which physical quantity is obtained by the ratio of momentum and velocity of matter? = Mass. 23. What is used to measure decibels? = Sound in the Environment. 24. The total energy of a freely falling object? = Remains Fixed. 25. Who first proved that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun? = Copernicus. 26. What is the relation between the velocity (V), frequency (n), and wavelength (λ) of a wave? = v= nλ. 27. What are the boiling point and freezing point of water at Celsius temperature? =100°C and 0°C. 28. What is the nature of sound waves? = Longitudinal. 29. When sound waves travel, do they carry with them? = Energy. 30. Which part of the Sun is visible during a solar eclipse? = Kirit. ========== ============ ============ 1. एक ही प्रकार के परमाणुओं से मिलकर बने पदार्थ को? = तत्व कहते हैं. 2. दो या दो से अधिक तत्व को मात्रा के विचार से एक निश्चित अनुपात में संयोग करने से बने पदार्थ को? = यौगिक कहते हैं. 3. दलदल में फँसे व्यक्ति को लेट जाने की सलाह दी जाती है, क्योंकि? = क्षेत्रफल अधिक होने से दाब कम होता है. 4. बर्फ़ के टुकड़ों को आपस में दबाने पर टुकड़े आपस में चिपक जाते हैं, क्योंकि? = दाब अधिक होने से बर्फ़ का गलनांक घट जाता है. 5. किसी असंतुलित बल द्वारा किसी पिण्ड में उत्पन्न त्वरण? = बल के अनुक्रमानुपाती होता है.
7. न्यूटन की गति का प्रथम नियम क्या कहलाता है? = जड़त्व का नियम. 8. जल में तैरना न्यूटन की गति के किस नियम से संबंधित है? = तृतीय नियम.