Related to Geography-166
1. What is the lowest layer of the atmosphere called? = Troposphere. 2. Which line passes through the middle of India? = Tropic of Cancer. 3. What is longitude lines called? = The angular distance between two latitudes on the earth is called longitude. 4. Which important latitude divides India into two parts? =23°30’ North. 5. Which countries share a land border with India? = Bangladesh, China, Pakistan, Nepal, Burma, Bhutan. 6. Which countries share a water border with India? = Pakistan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia. 7. Which island lies between India and Sri Lanka? = Kachchativu, Island. 8. What is the characteristic of monsoon climate? = There are two dry seasons with less rainfall. 9. Which monsoon brings the maximum rainfall in India? = South-west monsoon. 10. Which state of India does not receive much rainfall during the south-west monsoon? = Tamil Nadu. 11. Which region of India is rich in minerals? = Chota Nagpur, Plateau. 12. Where is the most bauxite found in the world? = Australia. 13. The largest copper-producing country in the African continent is? = Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. 14. The largest iron ore-producing country in Asia is? = China. 15. Kalgurli is famous for which mineral? = Gold. 16. Myanmar’s Baldwin mine is famous for which mineral? = Silver. 17. The largest centre of the diamond trade is? = Antwerp (Belgium). 18. Which continent has a monopoly in the production of diamonds? = Africa. 19. Which mineral is called a metallic mineral? = Manganese, iron ores such as hematite, magnetite and bauxite. 20. Where nitrate was first obtained? = Chilean plateau. 21. Humboldt Current flows near which coast? = Near the western coast of South America. 22. Where does plankton grow the most? = At the meeting point of cold and warm currents. 23. Which ocean is shaped like the English letter S? = Atlantic Ocean. 24. Which gas absorbs the ultraviolet radiation of the sun? = Ozone gas. 25. Which is the highest waterfall in the world? = Angel Falls. 26. Angel Falls is situated on which river? = Coroni. 27. Boyoma Falls is situated on which river? = Zaire. 28. Stanley Falls is situated on which river? = Congo. 29. Niagara Falls is situated on which river? = Saint Lawrence. 30. Victoria Falls is related to which river? = Zambezi. 31. Which soil is found in two-thirds of Tamil Nadu? = Red soil. 32. Which state has the shortest coastline? = Goa. 33. Where is the pass connecting Tamil Nadu and Kerala located? = Palghat Pass, between Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) and Palakkad (Kerala).
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