डॉ. (प्रो.) अमरेंद्र कुमार. ========= ========= ========= Related to Genetics… 1. Who coined the word genetics? = Bateson. 2. Who is called the father of genetics? = Gregor Johaan Mendel. 3. What is the branch of study of heredity and variations called? = genetics. 4. Which scientist named the word factor as gene? =Johannsen. 5. Who coined the term heredity? = Spencer. 6. Genetics: – That branch of biology in which inheritance and variations in the characteristics of living organisms are studied. It is called genetics. The word genetics was first used by Bateson in the year 1906. 7. Hereditary Characteristics: – During the process of sexual reproduction in living organisms, various characteristics are transmitted from generation to generation through gametes. These symptoms are called genetic symptoms. These traits are transmitted by the gametes formed during sexual reproduction. 8. Heredity: – Transmission of these genetic traits from parent generation to offspring generation is called heredity. The term heredity was coined by Spencer in 1863. 9. Variations: – Due to gene exchange during sexual reproduction, variations are found among living beings of the same species. 10. When were Mendel’s laws rediscovered? = In the year 1900. 11. On which plant did Mendel conduct his experiments? = Garden pea (Pisum sativum). 12. Which trait did Mendel not choose for his experiment? = Color of the root. 13. How many types of genotypes are formed in the F2 generation of monohybrid hybridization? = 3 14. What will be the ratio of progeny obtained from hybridization Tt × tt? = 1:1. 15. What are dominant traits? = The trait which shows its expression in the F1 generation. 16. What is the transmission of genetic traits from one generation to the next called? = Heredity. 17. Who rediscovered Mendel’s laws? = Carl Correns, Erich Von Tshermak and Hugo de Vries. 18.What are the names of rules / laws propounded by Mendel? = (1). Law of dominance, (2). Law of segregation or Law of purity of gametes , and (3). Law of Independent assortment.. 19. What is test hybridization? = Cross in which the F1 generation is crossed with a parent with a recessive genotype. 20. Which of Mendel’s laws cannot be followed by monohybrid hybridization? = Law of independent assortment. 21. The presentation of which law of Mendel confirms the gene concept? = Law of segregation. 22. What is gene? = The factor which controls any one trait is called gene. 23. What is called transmission of various traits from generation to generation through gametes during the process of sexual reproduction in living organisms? = Genetic traits. 24. In a dihybrid cross that has F2, what is the phenotypic ratio? = 9: 3 : 3 : 1. 25. Gregor Johann Mendel:- Is called the father of genetics because he first propounded the rules of inheritance in plants. 26. Mendelism: – Based on the results of the experiments done by Mendel on garden pea the rules of heredity were propounded, which are also called Mendelism. Mendel selected garden pea for his experiments, because the garden pea plant is annual, bisexual, self-pollinated and has many contradictory traits. 27. What are exceptions of Mendelism ? = Incomplete Dominance & Co dominance. 28.What is Incomplete dominance? = In this, the F1 had different phenotypes, that did not resemble either of two parents and was between the two. It was shown by Correns in 1903, where he hybridized Red (RR) and White (rr) flower of Snapdragon (Antirrhinum sp.) . He obtained F1 offspring as Pink (Rr) flowers which are different from their parents 29.What are examples of Co-dominance? = ‘AB’ blood group of human beings is a good example of Codominance. In this, the F1 has different phenotype, where both parental characters as father of ‘A’ blood group and mother of ‘B’ blood group, that may appeared as ‘AB’ blood group in their offsprings . 30.What is genetic tool for animals regarding study of Inheritance? = Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). Dr. (Prof.) Amarendra Kumar.